Sep 16, 2019 · I have Ubuntu 16.04 (Desktop Edition) with OpenVPN server and BIND9 installed. I used a script when I installed OpenVPN. My OpenVPN client is a W10 netbook with 4G USB modem. When I choose to use Google DNS during OpenVPN installation then I can surf the Internet via OpenVPN just fine (on my OpenVPN client W10 machine).

OpenVPN Client ignores 'dhcp-option DNS' setting when using dig and specifying DNS server I'm using pi-hole as local DNS server - my main router force/filter all DNS-queries to the pihole, even when a device ignores router advertised DNS and try to use their own. Nice. Apr 12, 2018 · My Pi is an OpenVPN client acting as a Gateway for my home network, so in the OpenVPN client.conf file I added this setting: dhcp-option DNS But it does not appear to be working, as when I do this on my Windows PC using the Pi Gateway, it shows this: >nslookup all Server: Address: OpenVPN Client Setting. This docs is only related to OpenVPN client. OpenVPN client is pre-installed in GL.iNet routers GL-AR150, GL-AR300M, GL-MT300N, GL-MT300A, GL-USB150, GL-AR750, GL-B1300 from firmware v2.19. This is actually less of an issue with the 'client' not getting DNS than 16.04 not playing nice with OpenVPN. This is a known bug that's been on the radar for a long while and has yet to be resolved.

Dec 05, 2019 · Windows 10 is notorious for DNS leaks and the VPN will not work properly unless we add the block-outside-dns directive to the configuration file. Open the .ovpn file in a text editor and add a new line with the text block-outside-dns as shown below.

iOS clients. Install the OpenVPN client (version 2.4 or higher) from the App store. Download the VPN profile for the gateway. This can be done from the point-to-site configuration tab in the Azure portal, or by using 'New-AzVpnClientConfiguration' in PowerShell. Jan 22, 2020 · It means that your DNS requests are sent to your local DNS servers instead of the DNS servers for VPN connection. In this configuration, you cannot resolve names in the connected external VPN network. In addition, a new feature of the DNS client for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 should be mentioned here.

I need to set specific DNS (with local IP, which works only when VPN is up) for the duration of this VPN session only. I do not have access to the OpenVPN server configuration. Only client config. Also, DNS from the server doesn't work. So it works like this: I connect to VPN, go the Network preferences and manually set DNS.

The OpenVPN Azure AD client utilizes DNS Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) entries, which means DNS servers will not be listed under the output of ipconfig /all. To confirm your in-use DNS settings, please consult Get-DnsClientNrptPolicy in PowerShell. Jun 26, 2018 · Now that the OpenVPN server is up and running, we need to configure VPN client access. Creating the OpenVPN Client on PFSense. Navigate to VPN – OpenVPN and click on the ‘Clients‘ tab and then click on ‘+Add‘. This will open the OpenVPN client edit form which has 5 sections, General information, User Authentication Settings Sep 16, 2019 · I have Ubuntu 16.04 (Desktop Edition) with OpenVPN server and BIND9 installed. I used a script when I installed OpenVPN. My OpenVPN client is a W10 netbook with 4G USB modem. When I choose to use Google DNS during OpenVPN installation then I can surf the Internet via OpenVPN just fine (on my OpenVPN client W10 machine).